Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Development of Circular Public Procurement for Establishment of Material Local Loops (NovIKroG)

Programme area:

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation


Increased application of circular economy principles


Measures for circular economy implemented

Project title:

Development of Circular Public Procurement for Establishment of Material Local Loops

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

Municipality of Novo mesto

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Nord University (NOR)
Partner 2: Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto
Partner 3: Development centre Novo mesto, Ltd
Partner 4: KNOF social enterprise
Partner 5: Public utility company Novo mesto, Ltd

Start of the project:


End of the project:


Co-financing source:

Norway Grants and corresponding Slovenian contribution

Total eligible project expenditure (EUR):


Project grant (EUR):


Main project results:

Two demonstration projects showcasing the reuse of used textiles and/or plastic waste or wood and demonstration of the recycling of broken glass in the production of glass wool; analysis of local circular material loops and analysis of the impact of public procurement on circular material loops in the local environment; a circular public procurement model; awareness-raising and education in the field of circular economy within the framework of the Innovative Center; an innovative digital platform promoting the collection, processing and reuse of textiles/wood/plastic waste and other materials allowing closed-loop recycling; innovative textile, plastic or wood products allowing processing and reuse.

Project summary:

The world is experiencing rapid population growth and facing a natural resources crisis at the same time. In cities, more than anywhere else, circular economy offers an opportunity to respond to resource-related challenges by drawing attention to how we use materials, products, and resources, which leads to finding new ways of creating value for all. The Municipality of Novo mesto is committed to a systematic implementation of green and circular economy concepts in both the local environment and the wider regional environment of South-East Slovenia. The purpose of the project is to introduce the principles of circularity in public procurement processes of public institutions, which will help introduce the concept of circular economy in the local environment and support the closing of material loops. The project seeks to develop a circular business model for local public institutions which enables purchase of products involving increased use of locally sourced naturally renewable materials, use of secondary resources, and recycling of products. The project aims to support the transfer of knowledge and experience between the Norwegian and Slovenian project partners as well.

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