The programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship whose objective is to improve human capital and knowledge base aims at strengthening human capital, supporting the development of 21st century competences and creative economy (industry), improving the relevance of education and training to the real environment, and encouraging the development of supportive measures for inclusion in life and work of specific groups that are excluded or have limited access to support systems. Furthermore, the programme encourages the development of measures facilitating the reconciliation between work and family life at the local level, and strengthening the capacity of institutions for good governance, cross-sectoral and inter-ministerial cooperation. The programme includes three programme areas:
- Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship;
- Work-life Balance;
- Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, Transparency.

Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills – HK-dir and National Agency for International Education Affairs – AIBA from Liechtenstein participate in the programme as the Donor Programme Partners.
EUR 13.35 million is made available through the EEA and Norway Grants for the implementation of the programme; cca. EUR 1.5 million comes from the EEA Grants, and EUR 11.8 million from the Norway Grants.
Concept Note and Programme Agreement are published under the Legal bases.