The programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation aims to accelerate planning, strengthen institutional capacity, and support the implementation of pilot/demonstration measures that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation at local, regional and national levels. The measures focus on sustainable mobility, restoration of the Natura 2000 Network ecosystems, circular economy, promotion of use of geothermal energy and other less well-established renewable energy sources. The programme includes three programme areas:
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation;
- Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security;
- Good Governance, Accountable Institutions, Transparency.

Norwegian Environment Agency – NEA participates in the programme as the Donor Programme Partner.
A little bit more than EUR 15.5 million is made available through the EEA and Norway Grants for the implementation of the programme; EUR 12.2 million comes from the EEA Grants, and EUR 3.3 million from the Norway Grants.
Concept Note and Programme Agreement are published under the Legal bases.