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Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.


It has been an eventful year and the impact of the support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway is bearing fruits. In the report “Working together for a better Europe” we have compiled inspiring stories from our programmes and projects, as well as important results from the work and cooperation taking place under the Grants. Please enjoy!

Every day across Europe, you can see traces of how the EEA and Norway Grants work: millions have benefited from improved health services and an exceeding number of people can now enjoy the benefits of more environmental friendly technologies. More people work in green businesses, and several scientists and students can spend their time indulging in research and studies.


6 000 projects and millions of results

Through the Grants the three donor countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have channelled €1.8 billion through nearly 150 programmes in 16 countries. Over 6 000 projects have received support, many of them ending up as success stories. The furniture company Stokke is one of the many Norwegian companies that benefit from the collaboration initiated through the Grants. In our annual report you can read the story of how the famous Norwegian Tripp Trapp chair is now being produced in a greener production facility in Romania.

More than half of the programmes have partners from the donor countries, aiming to promote cooperation and cross-border knowledge exchange.

Justice and youth clubs

The range of programmes and projects is wide. We support major projects in the justice sector, working especially to strengthen the skills of professionals like judges, police and prison staff. Equally important is the funding to support communities’ adaption to climate change. To be mentioned is also the funding of thousands of NGOs through our programmes working to strenghten civil society in Europe – whether it’s a youth club in Bulgaria, an LGBT-rights organisation in Lithuania, or workshops for minority women in Portugal. In the annual report you will also find stories about cultural activities and award winning projects that we are very proud to support.

We take pride in what we have achieved together, and hope you will enjoy reading about the results of our work!

Take a look at the interactive version of the report or download the PDF version of the report