14 May 2021 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy acting as the Programme Operator for the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme published the Call for proposals for co-financing of projects. The call was published in today’s Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 74/2021. Applicants with project proposals aiming to increase production of energy from renewable sources, improve management of sustainable mobility, implement circular economy principles and improve management of ecosystems under pressure due to climate change are invited to apply.
The subject of the Call for Proposal is the selection of projects to be co-financed under the EEA or Norway Grants 2014–2021 that will also receive matching national co-financing from Slovenia and will pursue the overall objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants: (1) to contribute to reducing economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area, and (2) to strengthen bilateral relations between Slovenia and the Donor States, i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
The total amount available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 15,564,705.88. For selected projects, the grant amount will represent up to 100% of total eligible expenditure.
Project duration is at least 12 months and no longer than 24 months. Projects must be completed no later than by 30 April 2024.
What are the supported areas under this Call for Proposals?
The aim of the Call for Proposals is to support measures to mitigate climate change and reduce climate change vulnerability. Projects must contribute to the outcomes and outputs of the two programme areas: (1) Renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy security and (2) Climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Projects will contribute to one outcome and one output. The outcomes and outputs are:
Outcome B.1: Increased renewable energy production
- Output B.1.1: Improved capacity to develop less established renewable energy sources
- Output B.1.2: Energy production from less established renewable sources installed
Outcome B.2: Enhanced sustainable mobility management
- Output B.2.1: Measures to improve regional sustainable mobility implemented
- Output B.2.2: Plans for sustainable mobility management at high-volume traffic locations developed
Outcome B.3: Increased application of circular economy principles
- Output B.3.1: Measures for circular economy implemented
Outcome B.4: Improved management of ecosystems under climate change pressure
- Output B.4.1: Improved capacity for ecosystems management
Information workshop
An information workshop for applicants is scheduled for June.
When and how to apply?
The deadline for submitting applications is 30 September 2021 until 12.00 (noon) through the electronic monitoring system eMS: https://ems.norwaygrants.si/emsegp.
The documentation of the Call for Proposals is available HERE.
Frequently asked questions and answers
Frequently asked questions and answers will be published HERE and updated once a week.
Applicants must be well acquainted with the content of the Call for Proposals and the entire Call for Proposals documentation. Should additional questions regarding the Call for Proposals arise, applicants are invited to send their questions to nor_egp.svrk@gov.si.