The project Sustainable management of Pohorje (SUPORT) was presented to the public. The project, which is so-financed under the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014, is to find solutions to ensure sustainable development of Pohorje. The Slovenian Forest Service acts as Project Promoter with the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Regional Development Agency for the Koroška region and the municipality of Zreče and Ribnica na Pohorju acting as project partners.
Due to its natural features Pohorje is part of the ecological network Natura 2000, however certain most valuable segments of the Pohorje nature are endangered due to numerous factors, in particular due to the development of tourism and recreational activities. The number of various species of birds, amphibians and butterflies is in decline. Thus, the project SUPORT aims to find solutions to ensure sustainable development of Pohorje. The project will also ensure the preservation of high conservation value areas and the presence of leisure activities in nature.
The presentation highlighted the project’s relevance for the area of Pohorje and for the wider public on Slovenia, namely from the implementation location itself to the objectives, activities, timeline and financial plan as well as the importance of the cooperation of institutions.