13 April 2022 – The selection of projects within the Call for proposals for co-financing projects under the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme has been concluded.
The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme aims to accelerate planning, strengthen institutional capacity and implement pilot/demonstration actions that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation at local, regional and national levels. Applicants were invited to apply with projects that contribute to increasing the production of energy from renewable sources, improving the management of sustainable mobility, promoting the principles of the circular economy and improving the management of ecosystems under pressure due to climate change.
The selection of projects within the call for proposals is concluded today. The total amount of allocated funds is EUR 14,183,902.52, devided under four outcomes as follows:
• Increased production of energy from renewable sources (total amount of allocated funds EUR 4,895,468.23),
• Improved management of sustainable mobility (total amount of allocated funds EUR 4,370,602.72),
• Increased enforcement of the principles of the circular economy (total amount of allocated funds EUR 2,578,148.53) and
• Improved management of ecosystems under pressure due to climate change (total amount of allocated funds EUR 2,339,683.04).
Minister of Development and European Cohesion Policy Zvone Černač emphasized that the Donor States Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism strive to reduce economic and social disparities in Europe and strengthen good relations between Slovenia and Donor States. With the selection of projects concluded today, we will jointly contribute to the preservation of green Slovenia for future generations.