14 September 2023 – The European Mobility Week, with the theme “Save Energy”, will traditionally take place from 16 to 22 September. It will promote energy reduction in transportation and place a national focus on removing obstacles in pedestrian and cyclist areas. Sustainable mobility is also being pursued through projects carried out under the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme. One of them is the ReMOBIL project: Regional Centres of Mobility, which will actively participate in European Mobility Week.
The main objective of the ReMOBIL project the long-term reduction of the negative environmental effects of transportation resulting from the lack of sustainable mobility solutions at the local, regional, and national levels, as well as the long-term improvement of sustainable mobility management. Through the transfer of best practices from abroad, the project partners are prioritising the establishment of effective sustainable mobility planning in the regions involved in the project. To this end, they have designed a model for regional mobility management and developed guidelines for mobility management at regional level as well as recommendations for harmonisation of legislation. The model will be tested in the context of the six Regional Mobility Centres to be set up under the project.
Are you tired of traffic jams? But you can also ride a bike!
The project partner RRA LUR invites you to a roundtable discussion titled “Are you tired of traffic jams? But you can also ride a bike!” The roundtable is part of the Future Zero event and will take place on Saturday, September 16, 2023, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Congress Square in Ljubljana. The roundtable will discuss how more people could commute to work without a car and what new cycling and railway connections can be expected in the coming years.
The Future Zero event promises lots of fun, the opportunity to test various e-vehicles, and even a balance bike race for the youngest participants. RRA LUR will be promoting their favourite choice – cycling! It’s especially worthwhile to ride your bike to the event because you can leave your bike for repairs with a mechanic on-site anytime between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM while enjoying the fair activities. Through a fun challenge, you can win beautiful and useful products, and there will also be an e-bike available for you to experience just how comfortable it makes riding!
Day of Cycling and Lecture on Sustainable Mobility in the Karst Region
As part of the European Mobility Week 2023, the project partner Regional Development Center Koper, acting as the Regional Mobility Center Istra Brkini Kras, is organizing a day of cycling and a lecture on sustainable mobility in order to promote sustainable transportation and raise awareness of the importance of more efficient modes of travel. This event will take place on Wednesday, September 20, and Friday, September 22, 2023. On September 20, 2023, they will introduce the Regional Mobility Center Istra Brkini Kras. The program is available here (in Slovenian).
Test Drives with Electric Wheelchairs and E-Scooters in the Gorenjska Region
The project partner Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska has prepared a program for the European Mobility Week, including presentations and test drives with electric wheelchairs, e-scooters, and other aids. These activities, in collaboration with municipalities and elderly care homes, will be held on Saturday, September 16, in the courtyard of the Municipality of Tržič, on September 20 at the Dom Petra Uzarja Tržič – Unit Naklo, and on Friday, September 22, 2023, at the Retirement Home Kranj.
They will conduct a pilot cycling relay with selected groups of senior citizens’ associations to promote and connect the bicycle-sharing system Gorenjska.bike, the Gorenjska cycling network, and public transportation. Simultaneously, the teams will also identify blackspots on the proposed routes.
As part of the “Shopping by Bike” initiative, they will visit three Gorenjska farms specializing in organic food production to promote local food and shorter supply chains. Shopping trips are scheduled to take place between September 22 and October 6, depending on weather conditions. More information is available here or here (in Slovenian).
Cycling for a Good Cause
The Posočje Development Center, in collaboration with the Municipality of Tolmin, invites you to a charity cycling and hiking event on Saturday, September 16, 2023. The Municipality of Tolmin will convert the kilometres cycled and walked by all participants into a donation for school funds. A police officer on a bike will also accompany the cyclists. More information is available here.
The ReMOBIL project, supported by the EEA Grants, involves the Posočje Development Center as the project lead and project partners: the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region, BSC Kranj – Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska, the Regional Development Center Koper, the Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor, RRA Koroška, the Regional Development Agency for the Koroška region, AMZS, the Ljubljana Urban Planning Institute, and the Norwegian partner Viken fylkesmommune / Viken County Council.