14. January 2021 – The third public call under the Active Citizens Fund Slovenia has been published. The call for institutional support is aimed at semi-developed NGOs, working in the fields of human rights, democracy, transparency and active citizenship. Five selected organizations will receive 3-year support worth 90,000 EUR and broad support from various mentors to implement the strategic plan.
Call for institutional support of organizations is not intended for co-financing of projects, but rather for co-financing of implementation of organizations’ strategic plans. During the three years of this financial support, organizations will be provided with a wide pallet of support activities by mentors and trainers with the intention to build their capacities and develop their programmes to a level where they will be enabled to raise more and diversify funds and resources for their operation.
The amount allocated is a lump sum, which means that organizations will not report on the use of funds, but on the achievement of results.
Eligible applicants for this call are organizations that:
- have legal personality for at least 60 months before the day of the deadline for submitting applications (therefore they had to be established before 15 March 2016); and
- have an average annual turnover between between 100.000 EUR and 500.000 EUR for the 2017, 2018 and 2019 financial years;
- have implemented or are implementing at least three projects as of 1 January 2017 in one of the following areas of support: a) Democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency, or b) Human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation orgender identity;
- have a multi-annual organisational workplan and/or strategy
Deadline for submission is 15. 3. 2021 at noon (Slovenian time).
Call documentation is published on the Active Citizens Fund website. The first questions and answers regarding the public call have already been published.
Two online workshops will be organized to support applicants, the first is intended for a more detailed presentation of the purpose of the tender and tender documentation, and the second for strategic planning.
More detailed information on the call and documentation is available on the ACF website. If you require any further information, please contact Active Citizens Fund operator. GODC is not responsible for the call or interpretation of the tender documentation.