10 June 2024 – The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme is being implemented in the 2014-2021 programming period as an important step towards sustainable development and reducing the negative impacts of climate change.
The programme aims to accelerate planning, strengthen institutional capacity, and implement demonstration actions that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Increasing Renewable Energy Production
The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme has implemented three key projects supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism that contribute to increasing renewable energy production.
SI-Geo-Electricity Geothermal Pilot Plant
The SI-Geo-Electricity pilot project, promoted by Hydropower company Dravske elektrarne Maribor, Ltd, is designed as a demonstration project to increase the use of geothermal energy. The project enabled the establishment of an innovative 50 kW geothermal power plant based on patented Slovenian technology. The Petrol Geo, production of hydrocarbons, Ltd, the University of Maribor and the Geological Survey of Slovenia also participated in the project.

The SOPOREM project, promoted by Port of Koper, port and logistic system, Plc, establishes the production of electricity from renewable sources in the Port of Koper and the Municipality of Koper through the construction of two solar power plants. This project helps to reduce the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions. The participating partners in the project are the Municipality of Koper and Greenstat ASA from Norway.

The pre-defined INFO-GEOTHERMAL project, led by the Geological Survey of Slovenia, focuses on improving the legislative framework for geothermal energy. The project has prepared two key legislative proposals: a report on the necessary legislative changes for the establishment of geological risk insurance schemes and a report on the necessary legislative changes for support schemes for reinjection, cascade use and geothermal electricity. With the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Energy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia and Reykjavik University, Iceland School of Energy, the project promotes the transition from stagnation to accelerated and environmentally friendly production of thermal energy from the deep subsurface.

Contribution to a Sustainable Future of Slovenia
Projects focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy security promote innovative use of geothermal and solar energy, improve the regulatory framework, and strengthen cooperation between different institutions and experts. The results of these projects contribute to increased renewable energy production, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced energy security, which are essential for a sustainable future of Slovenia.