The main objective of the project RESPONSE TO HIV or “Partnership for prevention and testing for HIV in in the community of men who have sexual intercourse with men (MSM)” is to reduce or prevent the transmission of HIV virus and relieve the psychosocial distress of people living with HIV.
The aim of the project is to establish and implement new comprehensive programmes which promote safe sexual intercourse and testing for HIV in communities outside healthcare institutions, and raise the level of expertise of the professionals who work with vulnerable groups. This will realise the main objective of the project, namely to reduce or prevent the transmission of HIV virus and relieve the psychosocial distress of people living with HIV.
In the sense of preventive measures the project will inform target groups by issuing brochures, leaflets, establishing the website www.odzivnahiv.si, social networks, various applications, as well as producing a documentary, informational videos, two books and magazines. The project will identify the locations where preventive measures should be implemented so as to cover as many representatives of the target group as possible. The project envisages anonymous, confidential and free HIV and STD testing outside the healthcare institutions. In terms of prevention the project also aims to increase the number of performed testing for HIV and other STD, to provide psychosocial support to individuals living with HIV which is most relevant in the first year after the diagnosis, and to provide constant counselling. Support groups for those who are HIV positive and for their partners will be activated. The project RESPONSE TO HIV is a bridge between the users and the healthcare organisations which already treat people living with HIV.
The project RESPONSE TO HIV is supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. The Association Information Centre Legebitra acts as the Project Promoter. Project partners are: Association ŠKUC – Magnus section, Association DIH – Enakopravni pod mavrico, Institute for Microbiology and Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana, Department of Infectious Diseases and Febrile Illnesses of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, and Helseutvalget for bedre homohelse. The project RESPONSE TO HIV is in its initial stage and is planned to be concluded in April 2016.