The Ljubljana Home Care Institute which runs the project A-QU-A, social care services and organised volunteering and intergenerational integration programmes, won the 2017 contest ”Moving Forward” for best improvement in public administration.
The Ljubljana Home Care Institute offered to senior citizens free home care services in the fields of occupational therapy and physiotherapy and other healthcare services between May 2015 and December 2016 as part of the project ‘’Active and Healthy Ageing in Home Environment’’ or A-QU-A which received support from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. In cooperation with project partners, the Ljubljana Home Care Institute also delivered targeted education programmes, provided counselling services and offered organised physical exercise while focusing particularly on providing advice on how to adapt the living environment to senior citizens’ needs to improve life in their home environment. The Ljubljana Home Care Institute in 2014 upgraded its offer to include provision of social care services and later adopted organised volunteering programme, which was complemented by the adoption of the intergenerational integration programme in 2016. Both programmes allow their participants – seniors to spend their daytime at home by socialising with volunteers, which enhances their social network, increases satisfaction with life and boosts intergenerational solidarity.
The contest ‘’Moving Forward’’ which is being launched at the Faculty of Administration of University of Ljubljana for the second year in a row aims to identify, disseminate and promote good and innovative practices, foster creativity and encourage innovative steps forward towards a more effective and efficient public administration as the driver of social development.