Gender equality in economic power distribution: understanding and overcoming the obstacles to gender equality in decision-making in the economy
The event marking the start of the project EQPOWEREC, Gender equality in economic power distribution: understanding and overcoming the obstacles to gender equality in decision-making in the economy was held today at the premises of the University of Ljubljana. The projects, the objective of which is to promote gender equality in decision-making in the economy, will be implemented in the framework of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 and the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014.
The objectives of the project, which focuses on raising awareness about gender equality and the development of initiatives for carrying out research in the field of decision-making in the economy, focus on enhancing gender equality in the economy. The project will integrate research work, transfer of best practices and knowledge and the development of new solutions which will contribute to gender equality in the economy in Slovenia. The project is based on the concept that the analysis of the obstacles hindering gender equality in decision-making should be carried out on several levels (individual, organisational and institutional). Specific emphasis will be given to organisational culture and procedures as well as the institutional framework. The project will take into account the experiences of the Norwegian system which introduced gender quotas in the corporate, organisational and individual environment. The implemented research will try to establish how to apply the Norwegian model in Slovenia and analyse to what extent the Slovenian institutional and political context meets the criteria to introduce a specific legislation. The projects will also identify the most relevant gaps in Slovenian policymaking, evaluate to what extent the Norwegian practices can be transferred to the Slovenian context, and develop recommendations for political decision-makers to improve the policies in the field of gender equality in the economy. The Norwegian experiences and the understanding the specific characteristics of the Slovenian economy and the social environment will be the bases for evaluating to what extent quotas can be introduced into the Slovenian economy. The partnership which joins the academic and corporate knowledge (project partners are the University of Ljubljana, Norwegian School of Business BI, Association Manager and the Slovenian Human Resources Association) will contribute to the development of the adequate policies and organisational practices.