7 November 2023 – After five weeks of campaigning to encourage employees to come to work in a sustainable way, project Trata 2.1. has announced the results. The campaign, under the slogan “Leave the car at home as much as possible”, ran from 28 August to 1 October and resulted in more than 20,000 sustainable kilometres driven.
The project promoter, the Municipality of Škofja Loka, has focused on “Sustainable Mobility and Accessible Loka” in its Development Strategy. To this end, the Trata 2.1. project, supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism, promoted walking, cycling and the use of public transport. In addition to the Municipality of Škofja Loka, the target group included the Administrative Unit of Škofja Loka, the project partners (Knauf Insulation, LTH Castings and SIBO G.) and the companies in the Trata Industrial Zone.

200 employees joined the company and participated either for the whole 5 weeks or just for a week. Nevertheless, the number of participants in the campaign increased from week to week. The most successful in sustainable commuting were in the Municipality of Škofja Loka with 41% of employees using one of the sustainable forms of commuting. SIBO G. was the most successful among partners in using sustainable commuting with 20% of employees.
Cycling is the most popular form of sustainable mobility

The most popular form of sustainable commuting was the electric bike or scooter, followed by carpooling and arriving on foot or rollerblades. Many employees also chose a combined form of sustainable mobility, proving that the campaign was more than successful. The project partners are keen to improve the use of public transport but are aware that it depends to a large extent on improving the competitiveness of public passenger transport.
More detailed results of the campaign show that 8.238 kilometres were cycled by 106 employees, who used the bike 738 times. While 71 employees opted for carpooling, riding to work 234 times and covering a total of 6645 km. Walking was the third most common form of sustainability, with 47 employees walking to work 103 times and covering 460 km. Public transport was available in the form of bus or train. The former was more popular, with 36 employees using it on 139 occasions, saving 1.262 km. Only 20 employees opted for the train, with 75 journeys covering 3.600 km. The total sustainable kilometres travelled is 20,210 and the CO2 emissions saved are 2,900 kg.
Encouraging participation in the Trata 2.1 project
Employees were also encouraged to use sustainable mobility through slogans aimed at raising awareness and motivating them to use active travel to work:
“Did you know that cycling releases endorphins, also known as ‘happiness hormones’?”

…and other sustainable forms of transport:
“Did you know that buses increase social inclusion by providing access to education, health and employment facilities for all?”
© Trata 2.1.
Sourse: Razvojna agencija Sora