Call for proposals for small projects in the framework of the NGO Programme in Slovenia is now open. There is 340.184,00 euros available within this public call. Eligible are only NGOs with an income lower than 50.000 EUR in 2013. Deadline for the submission of project applications is May 30 2014.
The objective of the NGO Programme in Slovenia is to strengthen civil society development and enhance contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development. Proposed project proposals need to be in line with priority areas, activities and outcomes described in the documentation.
The Programme aims at:
– Supporting deficit areas (areas and activities that are underfunded in comparison to other fields of activity);
– Supporting organizational development of NGOs and ideas with the long-term perspective;
– Addressing current concrete problems in the society (e.g. youth unemployment, decrease in participatory democracy, migrant workers, increasing poverty, etc.) .
Therefore, careful consideration will be given to the relevance of the projects, problem identification, analysis of existing practices and proposed solutions. Projects that show measurable results in achieving social justice, democracy and sustainable development and have significant impact on the target groups will be encouraged. Furthermore, projects that built inter-sectoral partnerships between NGOs, public institutions and business sector in community development will be encouraged as well.