5 January 2023 – At the end of 2022, Slovenian project partners participated in a study visit to Stavanger, Norway, in the framework of the project Empowerment and Integration of NEETs into the Labour Market and Development of a Comprehensive Program of Support Services for NEETs, Including the Solutions on Systemic Level (PreseNEETi se).
The Norwegian project partner, Veiledernettverket NOSCO/Norwegian Organisation for Supervision and Co-Operation, prepared a varied programme for the participants, which gave them an insight into good practices in working with young school dropouts and prisoners (The Ullandhaug Organic Farm Foundation, NAV Eiganes and Tasta, TAFU Rogaland, UngInvest Rogaland, Metropolis, Fellesverket/Red Cross, Fra offer til kriger, IPS – Ung). Programmes and methods for working with these target groups were presented, and the importance of the trust that needs to be established between clients and counsellors in order to be successful. The individual orientation of the programme for each participant, based on his/her wishes, goals and abilities, and leading to employment as the final goal, were repeatedly highlighted.
The NEET research was presented via video by Tonje Fyhn, Director of Worklife and Inclusion, NORCE Research and a report on the analysis of the current situation in Slovenia and Norway was presented at the press conference.
The study visit to Norway and learning about good practices further strengthened the bilateral cooperation between the Norwegian and Slovenian project partners.
Find out more about the project PreseNEETi se, implemented under the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship, at this link.