7 June 2023 – The Prometheus project, supported by the Norway Grants has established an online platform where employees can find strategies for achieving a harmonious work-life balance. Training programmes and digital resources enable individuals to balance effectively their work and private life. Project partners promote an inclusive organisational culture and raise awareness about the importance of work-life balance and gender equality in companies.
In the frame of the Prometheus project, the project partners address work-life balance after the Covid-19 epidemic by encouraging companies and organisations to base their organisational structures on gender equality. During the Covid-19 epidemic, the inequalities between women and men in the labour market became more pronounced, particularly affecting women and their opportunities to pursue and develop their careers.
The project’s main objective is to empower working women and men through tested measures that improve work-life balance in remote work and work at the workplace, tailored to the different levels of jobs in each organisation involved in the consortium. Thus, the project also indirectly aims to implement an individualistic, tailor-made educational approach based on positive psychology, which contributes to building a respectful, gender-equal and diversity-based organisational culture.
The online platform PROMETHEUS provides information on work-life balance to employees on the one hand and to management in organisations on the other, namely by identifying the starting point of each individual, with a set of actions to encourage progress, and with training modules.
The PROMETHEUS project is co-developed by the American Chamber of Commerce, which acts as the project promoter, and the project partners IPES – Institute for the Study of Gender Equality Maribor, Merkur Trade, Riko, Industrial, Construction Engineering and Leasing, University of Maribor, Knauf Insulation, Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia, A1 Slovenia, AMZS and the Norwegian Automotive Foundation.