Innovation Norway, the fund operator of the Norway Grants’ Social Dialogue – Decent Work programme invites representatives from organisations working on social dialogue and decent work issues from Slovenia and the Donor State (Norway) to participate in the programme launch and the information and networking event with the purpose of developing partnership projects.
The event will take place in Ljubljana on 17 October 2018. The language spoken at the event will be English.
The objective of the programme is strengthened tripartite cooperation between employer organisations, trade unions and public authorities and the promotion of decent work. The programme will support social dialogue and contribute to ensure that Slovenia is better equipped to deal with the challenges following high unemployment and to establish decent work objectives, in close cooperation with Norwegian partners.
Slovenia and Donor State representatives will open the event, and the fund operator will present the programme and the call for proposals. Project promoters or project partners from the previous programming period will be invited to share their experiences.
The event also aims to contribute to the strengthening of the bilateral cooperation between relevant actors from Slovenia and Norway. Participants will have the opportunity to be advised on Norwegian involvement in partnership projects development in the field of social dialogue and decent work.
The call for proposals under the Social Dialogue – Decent Work programme offers funding for projects that wish to achieve the following three outcomes:
- Improved social dialogue and cooperation
- Enhanced implementation of the decent work agenda (fair and decent working conditions)
- Access to employment facilitated (this outcome is only applicable to projects involving the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia)
Eligible applicants for the call for proposals are:
- Social partners (employers’ organisations and trade unions);
- Public authorities and institutions that have statutory roles related to decent work or tripartite cooperation; and
- Organisations of public authorities that have within their mandate the promotion of decent work or tripartite dialogue.
The applicants must be constituted as legal entities in Slovenia or in Norway. Legal entities established in Norway are eligible applicants only in partnership with at least one legal entity established in Slovenia.
Eligible project partners under the call for proposals are the same as the eligible applicants with the addition of:
- Business associations and organisations representing member companies on issues relevant for the decent work agenda;
- Companies which are involved in the implementation of the decent work agenda and/or social dialogue through their membership in sectoral or cross-sectoral employers’ organisations;
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), defined as a non-profit voluntary organisation established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organisations, which are involved in the implementation of the decent work agenda. Religious institutions and political parties are not considered NGOs; and
- Education and research institutions that can provide training on social dialogue and/or decent work issues.
The project partners must be constituted as legal entities in Slovenia or in Norway.
Please register by sending an e-mail with the information listed below to decentwork@innovationnorway.no. Deadline for registration is 15 October 2018
- Organisation: …
- Type of organisation: (e.g. employers’ organisation, trade union, etc.)
- Name: Mr. / Ms. …
- Title/function: …
- E-mail: …
- Direct telephone: …
The launching and networking events are addressed to entities that seek information about the programme and are in search of a project partner. Organisations that have already identified the entity that they would like to cooperate with are recommended to communicate directly, meet and develop the project idea.
Travel support is available for eligible entities in Beneficiary States and Norway during the application development phase. Please see here for more information and application form.