15 april 2024 – The project Development of an Expert Support System for Competency Assessment in Higher Education (RESPO-VI) held its final conference in Ljubljana. The project, co-financed by the Norway Grants, improves the competences of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students using the RESPO-VI application and trains educational staff to monitor the development of students’ competences.
In their opening speeches, Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat, Dean of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Dr. Aida Kamišalić Latifić, State Secretary at the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Jadranka Plut, Head of the Programme Operator at the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, stressed the importance of investing in human resources in a rapidly advancing society and digital technologies.
Prof. Dr. Aleksander Zidanšek from the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, acting as the project promoter, and Dr. Bojan Cestnik, representative of the project partner Temida Ltd, highlighted the key results of the project, focusing on the RESPO-VI application and the 10 identified STEM competences of the students.
The conference ended with a round table where Prof. Dr. Aleksander Zidanšek, Dr. Bojan Cestnik, Darko Kovačič, a representative of the project partner International Institute for Implementation of Sustainable Development from Maribor and Dr. Alenka Temeljotov-Salaj and her colleagues (cooperating online) from the Norwegian project partner, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, talked about future trends in educational technology and career development in higher education institutions and stressed the importance of guiding students for their better progress and work. The RESPO-VI application makes this possible, and training professors to use it optimally is crucial.