9 April 2024 – Sharing good practices between Slovenia and Norway and finding synergies was the focus of the final conference of the PreseNEETi se project.
The PreseNEETi se project, which is co-financed by the Norway Grants, addresses the NEETs – young people between 15 and 29 years, with a focus on young individuals that are not in employment, education, or other training. The project aims at the empowerment and social activation of this target group, through which the project contributes to the establishment of support services and improves educational and social environment aimed at supporting the NEETs.

The final conference took place at the University of Adult Education Celje, where besides the project promoter also project partners participated. In the first part of the programme, the results of the project were presented, which can be divided into the micro level (NEETs level), the mezzo level (level of organisations and institutions) and the macro level (system level – country).
The main part of the event held a panel discussion with representatives of ministries, employment services and social entrepreneurship from both Slovenia and the donor country – Norway. The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Andrej Naterer from the University of Maribor. The participants shared examples of good practices and discussed the challenges they face.
The event was attended by representatives of ministries, public sector employees, experts in the field of culture and education, and representatives of organisations and institutions working with the NEETs.

The conference was followed by an informal gathering, aimed at mutual learning and exchange of experiences in the field of work with NEETs between Slovenian and Norwegian participants.
The Project Promotor of the project is the University of Adult Education Celje. The project partners are University of Maribor, Employment Service of Slovenia, National Youth Council of Slovenia and Norwegian Organisation for Supervision and Co-Operation.