Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.

Field Visit Highlights Exemplary Ecosystem Management Practices in Slovenia

3 October 2024 – On Tuesday, 1 October 2024, a one-day field visit showcasing exemplary ecosystem management practices took place in Slovenia. The event was organised as part of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme, marking the conclusion of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and EEA Financial Mechanism 2014–2021.

The Vice-Mayor of Divača, Mario Benkoč, welcomed participants at the Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency. He expressed gratitude to the donor countries for their support through the EEA Financial Mechanism and emphasized the tangible improvements achieved because of the provided funds.

Podžupan Občine Divača med nagovorom.

Following his remarks, Jadranka Plut, Head of the Financial Mechanisms Division at the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, addressed the gathering. She stated, “We are here today to witness the inspiring projects made possible by the support of EEA Financial Mechanism 2014–2021 under the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme. This progress has only been achieved through the committed collaboration of project promoters, project partners and the invaluable support from donor countries, to whom we express our deepest gratitude.”

Vodja Sektorja za finančne mehanizme na Ministrstvu za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj med uvodnim nagovorom.

Ahead of the site visits, two key ecosystem management projects were presented. Dr. Renata Rozman, representing the Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency, introduced the ReNature project, emphasizing the critical role of biodiversity in tackling climate change. She underscored the significance of wetlands and grasslands as vital carbon sinks and explained in detail the project’s efforts in restoring 45 hectares of grasslands and nine wetlands, including karst ponds and other small water reservoirs. A new management model was also established to ensure the long-term preservation of these ecosystems.

Dr. Renata Rozman med predstavitvijo projekta ReNature.

Miha Drobnič, speaking on behalf of the Municipality of Grosuplje, presented the ZAGON project that addressed resilience of ecosystems that are most under the pressure of climate change. He highlighted that “the project developed a management plan for the Nature Park Radensko Polje, including the purchase of over 18,500 square meters of land and the establishment of a circular educational trail.”

Miha Drobnič med predstavitvijo projekta ZAGON.

Exploring the Impact of the ReNature Project on the Field

The field visit continued with an on-site exploration of the ReNature project’s results. Borut Kokalj and Dr. Renata Rozman from the Škocjan Caves Public Service Agency led the tour, showcasing the restored wetlands and grasslands. They discussed challenges such as landscape overgrowth and the importance of biodiversity preservation in managing these ecosystems. Borut Kokalj noted, “Many ponds required complete restoration, which involved excavating sediments and adding a layer of clay to create winter habitats for wildlife.”

Obnovljeni kal.

The event offered participants a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in sustainable ecosystem management, focusing on addressing the impacts of climate change.

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