The annual Valorisation Conference organised under the auspices of CMEPIUS, Centre for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes was held on 11 October 2018 in Ljubljana.
The aim of the conference was to bring together the stakeholders to share and showcase the concrete and tangible results and achievements of many good practices in international cooperation which are being implemented by educational institutions or individuals in order to scale up and enrich Slovenian education sphere. The organisers and stakeholders focused on sharing stories of professional and personal development of teachers and educational institutions through realised international projects, cooperation, partnerships and mobility.
The Slovenian Scholarship Fund 2009–2014 under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism, whose programme operator was CMEPIUS, strongly supported international cooperation, transnational partnerships and mobility with the aim of increasing the internationalisation of vocational and higher education in Slovenia. As many as 52 mobility projects involving participants from different levels of education, teaching staff, educational institutions and partners were successfully implemented in this funding period.
Mobility projects co-financed by the Slovenian Scholarship Fund 2009–2014 are presented in the publication Working Together Towards Common Goals
This year’s conference coincides with the 15th anniversary of CMEPIUS. The Centre aims to continue the good work and foster future success stories in the field of education and training by opening door to opportunities for individuals and institutions through international programmes.