28 February 2023 – Kristin Dalen and Åge A. Tiltnes from the Norwegian research foundation Fafo visited the EFTA House to present their report “The Effects of the EEA and Norway Grants 2004-2021”.
The report in English is a condensed version of the Norwegian Fafo report “EEA and Norway Grants 2004-2021: What has Norway achieved?”, which the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned as a review of key aspects of the EEA and Norway Grants.
Fafo is a Norwegian independent social science research foundation that develops knowledge on the conditions for participation in working life, organisational life, society and politics, the relationship between politics and living conditions, as well as on democracy, development and value creation.
The report is not an evaluation report. It highlights how Norwegian support provided through the Grants has helped to achieve the following two objectives:
- reduction of social and economic disparities in the EEA and
- stronger bilateral relations between Donor and Beneficiary States.
The report is based primarily on document reviews. In addition, 40 people were interviewed for their insights into the structure and administration of the EEA and Norway Grants.
Source: Financial Mechanism Office