4 October 2021 – With the project Decent work for all, the Employment Service of Slovenia and project partners the Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia, IRDO Institute and the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV Norge) seek to raise awareness of decent work among professional and general public and labour market stakeholders. To support the employment of the long-term unemployed, they have prepared the first Duo day in Slovenia, which will take place on 7 and 8 October 2021.
The objectives of the project Decent work for all are to train public workers and employers to ensure decent working conditions, strengthen cooperation between the social partners involved, stakeholders and other project participants, introduce and implement the Duo day concept and improve awareness of decent work among the general public.
In order to achieve the goals, the following activities are carried out within the project:
– transfer and application of knowledge and good practice from Norway;
– preparation of the Duo day;
– preparation of content and implementation of training on decent work;
– production of promotional material and products to raise awareness of decent work in Slovenia;
– organisation of decent work training for 250 public workers and 250 employers;
– organisation of a conference to raise awareness of decent work;
– planning and conducting media campaigns to promote decent work in Slovenia.
The Duo day is a day spent by an unemployed person as a duplicate of an employee on the job she/he wants to have or in the company where she/he wants to be employed. The unemployed person monitors the course of work in the company, learns about the requirements of the job and thus checks the adequacy of their ideas about the desired job.
The project Decent work for all is implemented between 1 March 2020 and 31 August 2022 under the Social Dialogue – Decent Work programme operated by Innovation Norway and supported by the Norway Grants.