CMEPIUS publied the Call for Proposals for the Slovene Scholarship Fund under Norway and EEA Grants. Slovene Scholarship Fund supports international mobility and inter-institutional projects in education, training and research, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the development of human capital and knowledge base. The Fund aims to encourage bilateral cooperation between participating countries, in particular cooperation between Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.
The Programme of Slovene Scholarship Fund supports following activities/measures:
• Preparatory visits;
• Mobility projects in higher education;
• Mobility projects for educational staff in general and vocational education and training;
• Inter-institutional cooperation projects in higher education;
• Inter-institutional cooperation projects in education and training.
The eligible applicants for the Scholarship Fund are:
• Slovene higher education institutions;
• Slovene organisations in the field of primary and secondary general and vocational education and training.
Cooperation in Slovene Scholarship Fund is of benefit also to the following organisations:
• Enterprises, social partners and other representatives of working life, including chambers of commerce and industry and other trade organisations;
• Organisations providing guidance, consulting and information services;
• Organisations responsible for systems and policies relating to any aspect of education and training at local, regional and national level;
• Research centres and organisations dealing with lifelong learning issues;
• Non-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, NGOs.
More on CMEPIUS webpage.