Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.

Activities carried out under the project VIS A VIS

23 May 2024 – The project partners of the project Support for Professionals in Education and Employment in the Field of Autism (VIS A VIS), co-financed by the Norway Grants under the Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship Programme, have prepared the final report on their project activities.

The report includes important milestones in the implementation of the project and other information and communication activities. Read more about the activities carried out under the VIS A VIS project here.

The project involved the Association of Non-Governmental Organizations for Autism in Slovenia as the project promoter and project partners Šentprima – institute for rehabilitation and education, Alma Mater Europaea – European center, Maribor, Elementary School Kozara Nova Gorica, MIK international trading and manufacturing company, Ltd, and Fjæran-Granum’s Top Competence Service from Norway.


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