14 December 2020 – Active Citizens Fund operator informed that the Public call for institutional support will soon be coordinated and will be published in the first half of January 2021.There are still available funds under the Public call for micro or rapid response projects; ACF will be able to support six more micro projects. Descriptions of all current projects were published on the ACF Fund Operator’s website.
Public call for the institutional support
The coordination of the Public call for institutional support took a little longer than usual, as it is a new scheme for the entire programme. The donor countries developed this scheme based on an idea of the Slovenian ACF Fund Operator. The scheme is approved, only the last details of the public call need to be harmonized.
The public call, which will be published in the first half of January 2021, is intended for organizations that have an average annual turnover between € 100,000–500,000 for the financial years 2017–2019 and which will prove with their annual report for 2019 that they work in one of the following areas:
- democracy, active citizenship, good governance and transparency,
- human rights and equal treatment through combating any discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.
It is a special public call because it is not a classic project support, but a 3-year co-financing of the strategic plan implementation in the amount of € 90,000 with the constant mentoring support of various experts in order to strengthen the organization in the long run.
The total amount that organizations will receive will be a lump sum. This means that project promoters will not report on the use of funds for individual activities, but will focus on content reporting and the results achieved. As this is a co-financing of the implementation of the strategic plan, organization will prove the use of funds through organizational annual reports.
Public call for micro or rapid response projects
14 organizations have already received funding for a rapid response. A good € 30,000 is still available, so that at least six more project can be supported with the ACF funds. The public call is published on the ACF website. Before applying, watch a video that briefly explains what micro project you can apply for and an informative workshop on the public call.
Descriptions of ongoing projects
More information on project that have received EEA and Norway Grants under the ACF is available on the ACF website.
All information about ACF public call is or will be available on the ACF website.