11 April 2024 – The sixth annual meeting with the Donor States in the current period of implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants took place in Slovenia. The annual meeting was organized by the National Focal Point.
The meeting was attended by a large group of Slovenian and foreign representatives. On the Slovenian side, representatives of the National Focal Point, Programme Operator, Certifying Authority, Audit Authority and Active Citizens Fund participated in the meeting. The Donor States were represented by representatives of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Budapest, Embassy and Permanent Mission of Iceland in Vienna, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Financial Mechanism Office.
At the annual meeting, the participants approved the Combined Strategic and Annual Report for 2023, reviewed progress in the implementation of programmes and funds, as well as activities and initiatives in the framework of bilateral cooperation.
Representatives of the Green Penguin and Think XR projects presented the implementation and results of the projects, which are implemented under the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship. Participants at the annual meeting were given a closer look at the Green Penguin digital platform and the virtual and augmented reality equipment used by the Think XR project in the established new education programmes.