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Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
Sodelujemo za zeleno, konkurenčno in vključujočo Evropo.

452.000 EUR additional funds available for projects already contracted under the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme that include an infrastructure component

26 June 2023 – Programme Operator of the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme informs that there are non-distributed funds totalling EUR 452,000 still available The funding is available for the projects that were selected through a call for proposals or for pre-defined projects that are supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism and receive national co-financing. Additional funding can only be awarded to the projects that include an infrastructure component.

Additional funds in the amount of 452,000 EUR are available for projects implemented within the programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, under Outcome B.1 ‘’Increased renewable energy production’’ or Outcome B.2 ‘’Enhanced sustainable mobility management’’ or Outcome B.4 ‘’Improved management of ecosystems under climate change pressure’’. The project must include an infrastructure component.

Additional funding can only be awarded to help Project Promoters address the challenges connected with extraordinary price increases and high infrastructure costs, making these funds the only solution safeguard the planned project results within the available timeframe.

Deadline for submission of Applications for additional funding is 14 July 2023. The Applications must be submitted by the Project Promoter, in writing only, via the eMS mailbox to the username NOR and EGP FM. When submitting the application, the Project Promoter should pay attention to the notification from the eMS system regarding the message/attachment size. If the attachments are too large, the application should be submitted in multiple parts.


Notice on the call for the award of additional funding
Application for additional funding