Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


0_SmartMOVE_Uspeh pilotnega projekta prevozov_Ursa Persic_26-05-2023

26 May 2023 – As part of a three-month dynamic group commuting pilot project, more than 100 inhabitants of the municipalities located between Kranj and Ljubljana got into a van every day and travelled to and from their workplaces located in the ...

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A man and a girl squatting in the middle of a forest, planting a young tree

23 May – On Friday, 19 May 2023, in the framework of the JeloviZA project, the Jelovica area was reforested with the objective of restoring the damaged forest. The forests of Jelovica have been severely damaged in the past by windstorms, ...

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Skupina ljudi v predavalnici

16 May 2023 – In the framework of the TALENT LAB project, final year students from several schools of the Pomurje region presented the results of their several months’ work on how to address concrete challenges, which the Pomurje companies ...

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Skupina ljudi zbrana za šolsko mizo razpravlja.

12 May 2023 – One of the two overall goals of the EEA and Norway Grants is to strengthen bilateral relations between the Donors and the Beneficiary States. Bilateral cooperation at the project level is in full swing in Slovenia. Study visits ...

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A girl sits at a desk in a classroom, with other students in the background, all wearing virtual reality goggles

28 April 2023 – Contrary to Pink Floyd's cheeky statement, the value of education in our fast-paced, ever-upgrading digital world is more significant than ever. Buckle up as we debunk this catchy myth with pre-defined project BlendVET – an EEA ...

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A man, a woman and another man stand in a line in the parking holding a ribbon in the colours of the Slovenian flag, which is stretched between two charging stations for electric vehicles, to be cut.

21 April 2023 – A bicycle parking facility under the GoNM bicycle sharing scheme and an electric vehicle charging station have been set up to tackle dense traffic building up daily around the Novo mesto General Hospital area as part of the EEA ...

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Ilustrirana modra oseba s črtastimi zelenimi hlačami, nad njo napis

20 April 2023 – TRIALOG, an online platform providing young people with all kinds of information about mental health and peer-to-peer violence to empower and mobilise them was officially launched at the expert meeting ‘’Young people and ...

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A large pile of question marks, one stands out

18 April 2023 – Programme Operator is publishing the answers to the questions raised by beneficiaries at the Workshop on project reporting for Slovenian beneficiaries, organised by the Control Unit. The workshop for project promoters and project ...

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two smiling men holding the ribbon they cut earlier at the opening of the youth room

17 April 2023 – The project called Koroška region Youth Support Network (KOR-NET project) addresses two development-related issues in the Koroška region, namely depopulation and brain drain. The project, worth almost half a million euros and ...

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v učilnici otroci stojijo v liniji, oblečeni v enake majice, za njimi stojijo odrasli

7 April 2023 – Within the project Heritage School for the New Generations, on Monday, April 3, 2023 and Tuesday, April 4, 2023, a neurological testing was conducted among the 4th grade pupils during art classes at the Ivan Grohar Elementary ...

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Heritage School for New Generations

3 April 2023 – A press conference on the project Heritage school for new generations was held in the wedding hall of the Municipality of Škofja Loka. The partners of the project presented individual activities, including very interesting ...

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5th Annual Meeting

29 March 2023 – Donor States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and Slovenia held the fifth EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021 Annual Meeting, which took place in Postojna, Slovenia, to discuss the state of play of individual programmes, and to ...

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