Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Illustration of a figure thinking while question marks float around it.

21 February 2024 - A Handbook on Youth Empowerment and Social Activation has been developed as part of the project Activating Youth by Encouraging Them to Form Meaningful Connections, Take an Active Role in Their Local Communities and Empowering ...

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Nataša Šerbec, Director of the Regional Development Agency Posavje, Janez Kerin, Mayor of the Municipality of Krško, and Vlasta Stojak, Head of Cabinet at the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, during the ribbon cutting ceremony.

19 February 2024 – As part of the project Development of Innovative Support Environment (Career Centre Posavje), supported by the Norway Grants, the Municipality of Krško has acquired new premises of the Career Centre Posavje. The newly acquired ...

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Fant ima v roki pametno tablico. Pred seboj ima mizo, na kateri je zvezek in monitor.

19 January 2024 - The BlendVET project, supported by the EEA Grants, is part of the international #OurStories campaign. The BlendVET project develops school strategies for the introduction of blended learning, provides training for teachers and ...

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Grafični zeleni pingvin stoji na snegu, za njim so zasnežene gore.

12 January 2024 - On Thursday, 11 January 2024, project partners presented the progress and results of the Green Penguin project at the press conference in Kranj. The project is co-financed by the Norway Grants under the programme Education, ...

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Skupina ljudi stoji pri laporoskopskem simulatorju.

22 December 2023 - As part of the EMPOWER FOR 21 project, which is supported by the Norway Grants, the inauguration of a laparoscopic simulator took place at the Faculty of Medicine. The advanced equipment will enable medical students to perform ...

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Ljudje sedijo v dvorani stare mestne hiše in poslušajo predstavitev.

6 December 2023 - On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Association of Historic Towns of Slovenia officially opened the renovated space of its new Heritage Learning Laboratory in Škofja Loka. The new space was created as part of the School ...

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Galerija na šolskem hodniku, razstavljene slike in predmeti.

30 November 2023 - As part of the School Renovation for New Generations project, supported by the Norway Grants, the didactic corner-gallery Under the Homan Lime Tree was opened at the Ivan Grohar Primary School on Tuesday 21 November 2023. The ...

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Oseba riše mavrico z temperami.

27 November 2023 - On 16 November 2023, the conference "Work-life balance" took place in Koper. The meeting was organised as part of the BalanCed project, which is supported by the Norway Grants. The conference aimed to open a public dialogue on ...

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Hiša za otroke: dnevna soba s stoli, omaricami in igračami.

23 November 2023 - 18 November marks the European Day for the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. To this end, on 22 November 2023, the Ministry of Justice organised an expert conference entitled 'Child ...

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Ljudje sedijo v vrstah na konferenci

15 November 2023 - The EEA-funded ZAGON project focuses on improving the management of ecosystems under pressure from climate change. As part of the project, an international conference was organised in Grosuplje: Small steps for nature - A view ...

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Mama, oče in dva majhna otroka se sprehajajo po kmetijskem zemljišču.

9 November 2023 – The survey on gender equality in rural areas (TERA, 2022) was carried out under the TERA project, supported by the Norway Grants. The research is focused on the possibilities of improving the balance between professional and ...

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Sistem za izposojo koles.

9 November 2023 - As part of the SALOMON project, supported by the EEA Financial Mechanism, Novo mesto General Hospital and its partners are working on a Sustainable Mobility Plan. A survey on the travel habits of employees, patients and visitors ...

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