Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Slavnostni govorci pozirajo fotografu.

29 April 2024 – As part of the SOPOREM project, which is co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism, the inauguration of the solar power plant of the Municipality of Koper took place on the roof of the P+R Sonce parking house at the beginning of ...

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Govorci konference skupaj pozirajo fotografu.

29 April 2024 – Last week, the final conference of the SCHOOL21 project took place at the Kovačnica – Business Incubator Kranj. The SCHOOL21 project empowers young individuals within the formal education system by developing new teaching ...

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Miro Kristan (Posoški razvojni center), Dogodek : Inovativne rešitve in nov model upravljanja trajnostne mobilnosti, Regionalni razvojni center Koper, Koper, Slovenia, 23.04.2024, Mandatory Credit © Uros Hocevar / kolektiff

26 April 2024 – Earlier this week, a joint final conference of the project ReMOBIL and project SmartMOVE took place. The event focused on the challenges of sustainable mobility at regional level in high traffic areas and on innovative solutions ...

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Plakat projekta INFO-GEOTHERMAL ob govorniškem pultu.

26 April 2024 – Yesterday, the closing event of the INFO-GEOTHERMAL project co-funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism was held. The closing conference was attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development, ...

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dijaki in drugi udeleženci sedijo na klopeh na zelenici in poslušajo govor dveh dijakov

25 April 2024 – Two schools in Kranj are enriched by outdoor classrooms. Their installation was made possible within the project SCHOOL21 - Let's go out! (SCHOOL21), which is co-financed by the Norway Grants under the programme Education, ...

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plakat projekta Think XR

23 April 2024 - The national and final conference of the project Establishing New Education Modules in the Field of Augmented and Virtual Reality (Think XR) took place in Ljubljana. The project, which is co-financed by the Norway Grants under the ...

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Ljudje sedijo v polkrogu.

23 April 2024 – The Career Centre Posavje project, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, is carrying out several activities, one of which is the panel discussion entitled "Career Synergy", where representatives of the Youth and ...

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Udeleženci konference na odru skupinsko pozirajo fotografu.

23 April 2024 – The final conference of the project Recycling of Rapid Antigen LFIA Tests (COVID-19) – LFIA-REC, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in Slovenia, took place in April. The welcome speech was given by the Dean of ...

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Skupina stoji na stopnicah in pozira fotografu.

22 April 2024 – The School of Economics Murska Sobota, in cooperation with the other project partners of the TALENT LAB project, hosted an event that brought together young talents of Pomurje and the regional economy. The opening greeting was ...

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Udeleženci okrogle mize se pogovarjajo.

22 April 2024 - In the framework of the studioKroG project, which is co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, the project partners organised a closing conference entitled "Waste prevention and circular utilisation of resources through ...

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Glasbena spremljava ob otvoritvi dogodka, moški igra na

19 April 2024 – The closing ceremony of the project ZAGON with the opening of a new nature trail in the Radenci field took place yesterday in Mala Račna at the Nature Conservation Centre Frog's House. On this occasion, the Mayor of Grosuplje, ...

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Nastop folklorne skupine učencev na odru.

19 April 2024 – The project Heritage School for the New Generations, co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, was celebrated with a closing ceremony on Wednesday, 17 April 2024, in Škofja Loka. The more than sixty guests were ...

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