Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


StudioKroG (1)grafika objave

7 November 2022 - Representative of the Programme Operator paid a working visit in the frame of the project studioKroG – Studio of Circular Economy, co-financed under the programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. As part of the ...

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Communication Workshop EFTA House 2-3 November 2022

2 and 3 November  2022 – National Focal Point attended a two-day communication workshop in the organisation of the Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels. A two-day event, attended by more than 50 representatives of the National Focal Points, ...

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25 October 2022 - We conducted an online workshop on reporting for Slovenian beneficiaries under the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship In the first part of the workshop, the Programme Operator focused ...

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grafika CPU

19 October 2022 - The Programme Operator took part in an informal working visit to the Ljubljana Reuse Centre as part of the co-financed project StudioKroG. The aim of the meeting was to present the cooperation with the public utility company ...

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tehnical meeting objava

18 and 19 October 2022 - The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy hosted a two-day Technical meeting of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021. The meeting, which took place in the premises of the Government Office for ...

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grafika delavnica za poročanje OKOLJE

11 October 2022 - We conducted an online reporting workshop for Slovenian beneficiaries under the programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. In the first part of the workshop, the Programme Operator focused on the steps of the reporting ...

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grafika StudioKrog

29 September 2022 - Press conference of the new project Studio of the Circular Economy – StudioKroG was held in Ptuj. The project is co-financed from the Norway Grants within the Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation programme. The main ...

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21 September 2022 – At the AmCham Fokus event entitled Psychological safety - a condition for progress, the participants highlighted the importance of psychological safety at the micro, meso and macro levels and defined it as a condition for the ...

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tiskovna konferenca POMP OBJAVA

19 and 20 September 2022 - A two-day Think Tank workshop for principals was held in Kozana in Goriška Brda, followed by a press conference presenting the PoMP project - Fostering entrepreneurship skills in schools. Cooperation with principals ...

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19 September 2022 – As part of the European Mobility Week, two new projects co-financed with the support of the EEA Grants 2014–2021 were presented at a press conference. They bring innovative and effective measures to limit negative ...

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ilustracija kolesarja, pešca in eko prevozov

16 to 22 September 2022 - European Mobility Week aims to reduce fossil fuel car traffic and encourages residents to use sustainable mobility - walking, cycling or public transport. This year it is held under the slogan: Sustainably connected. ...

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naslov projekta in foto dvorna z udeleženci

12 and 13 September 2022 - Kick-off meeting of the project Think XR was held in Slovenske Konjice. The project is co-financed by the Norway Grants under the programme Education, Scholarships, Apprenticeship and Youth Entrepreneurship. The main ...

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