Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


LFIA-REC project presentation

24 March 2023 – The University Medical Centre Maribor (UKC Maribor) hosted a presentation of the LFIA–REC project to introduce the recycling of rapid antigen tests for COVID-19 with the support of the Norway Grants. “In addition to ...

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Spreminjamo navade prihoda na delo v bolj trajnostne oblike mobilnosti

20 March 2023 – Every day over 3,500 people commute to Trata industrial zone. It is located just a few kilometres from the historical centre of Škofja Loka, a beautiful alpine town in central Slovenia. Around 94% of employees working in this ...

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Članek o projektu Barnahus: prvi slovenski Barnahus, objavljen na Synergy - Mreža proti nasilju na podlagi spola in družinskem nasilju. Na fotografiji so trije otroci, ki tekajo po travniku, pred njimi teče kuža, na sliki so tudi milni mehurčki

9. march 2023 - A new project story about Slovenia’s first Barnahus is available also on the Synergy Network website. The SYNERGY network brings together governmental and non-governmental stakeholders from different countries cooperating to ...

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Effects of the EEA and Norway Grants 2004-2021

28 February 2023 – Kristin Dalen and Åge A. Tiltnes from the Norwegian research foundation Fafo visited the EFTA House to present their report “The Effects of the EEA and Norway Grants 2004-2021”. The report in English is a condensed ...

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naslovnica priročnika za upravičence

27 February 2023 – Updated versions of all parts of the Guide for Beneficiaries have been published on the website. New versions of all parts of the Guide for Beneficiaries can be found under Documents – Guidelines.

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kup belih listov

21 February 2023 – Due to the change of the GODC to the MCRD, the revised forms annexed to Parts 4 and 5 of the Guide for Beneficiaries have been published on the website. Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to Part 4 of the Guide for Beneficiaries and ...

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objava studiokrog 3.faza

17 February 2023 - Project promoter ZRS Bistra Ptuj and project partners of the project StudioKroG - Studio of the Circular Economy, which is implemented under the programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, held a technical workshop to ...

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Predjama Sustainable

6 February 2023 – The Predjama Sustainable Mobility Plan has been designed as part of the project called Sustainable Mobility Management at the Tourist Location Predjama (Predjama Sustainable), which is implemented under the programme Climate ...

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31 January 2023 – The Creative Centre is launched in Koper, with an innovative programme aimed at creating a work-life balance. It is part of the project Creative Work-life Balance (acronym BalanCed), implemented under the programme Education, ...

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mobilnostni zajtrk objava

31 January 2023 - A mobility breakfast titled "Together for effective alternatives to the car" was held in BTC's Crystal Palace as part of the project SmartMOVE: Smart solutions for sustainable mobility, implemented under the programme Climate ...

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2 (5)

31 January 2023 – We inform that the Facebook and Instagram pages of the EEA and Norway Grants in Slovenia are working again. You are invited to visit and follow us on our Facebook and Instagram profiles. National Focal Point

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Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development

24 January 2023 - We inform that the former Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has been transformed into the Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development. As of 24 January 2023, the new Ministry of Cohesion and ...

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