Launched by: Fund Operator – consortium CNVOS, Institute PIP and DRPD Novo mesto
Opening date of the call: 30 January 2023
Available indicative budget: EUR 70.000
Deadline for submission of project proposals: from 3 April 2023 until the funds are fully allocated or 1 November 2023 at the latest
Amount of financing: from EUR 1,000 to EUR 5,000 per organisation
Project maximum funding rate: 100% of eligible expenditure
Project duration: 6 months at most
Organisations shall be able to apply for the financial support of this call whenever they are in need for »rapid funding« for an advocacy, legal, communication or other action (for instance, for preparation of expert papers and proposals in a process of passing a law or policy, for preparation of response to hostile attacks on the work of an organisation, for organisation of a protest regarding an acute topic, etc.).
All additional information about the call and documentation are available on the website of the Active Citizens Fund. Please direct all questions to the fund manager. MCRD is not competent for the call or explanations and interpretation of the call documentation.