Norveški finančni mehanizem in Finančni mehanizem EGP 2014–2021
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Meeting with Norwegian Ambassador Trine Skymoen

19 June 2024 – On Monday, 17 June 2024, Marko Koprivc, State Secretary responsible for Cohesion Policy, met the outgoing Norwegian Ambassador, Trine Skymoen.

The meeting took place in a friendly and constructive atmosphere, where the successful completion of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and EEA Financial Mechanism programmes for the period 2014-2021 was discussed.

Both financial mechanisms have made it possible to implement several important projects in Slovenia with funding from donor countries, especially the Kingdom of Norway. In addition, the challenges and opportunities of the next programming period were also discussed.

Veleposlanica Norveške, Trine Skymoen, državni sekretar pristojen za kohezijo, Marko Koprivc, in vodja Sektorja za finančne mehanizme, Jadranka Plut, skupaj pozirajo fotografu.

State Secretary Marko Koprivc expressed his pleasure to be able to celebrate with the Ambassador the successful cooperation over the years. He took the opportunity to thank her once again for her contribution to the strengthening of relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Kingdom of Norway.

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