13 May 2021 – The results of the Call for institutional support aiming at co-financing strategic development of non-governmental organisations (NGO) through a budget of EUR 450,000 have been published.
The idea of institutional support was developed by the Fund Operator of the Active Citizens Fund in Slovenia. The Donor States embraced the idea and later developed a pilot scheme for all Beneficiary States building on it. The selected NGOs will receive a lump sum of EUR 90,000 to implement their strategic plans while at the same time building capacities and improving the process of programme development with the help and support of mentors.
As many as 23 NGOs applied for funding under the Call for institutional support. 16 organisations fulfilled eligibility criteria and made it through the administrative check. From among the shortlisted 16 organisations, the Selection Committee recommended top five highest scoring organisations for funding. The selected organisations pride themselves in a range of various activities they deliver to tackle topical issues and emerging challenges and the wide target audience they wish to reach out to across Slovenia. The organisations that were selected for funding under the Call for institutional support are the following:
- Today is a New Day, Institute for Other Studies (Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja)
- Slovene Association of Journalists (Društvo novinarjev Slovenije)
- Humanitas – Centre for Global Learning and Cooperation (Društvo Humanitas – Center za globalno učenje in sodelovanje)
- Inter-municipal Association of Friends of Youth for Goriška Region (Medobčinsko društvo prijateljev mladine za Goriško)
- Institute for the Support of Civil Society Initiatives and Multicultural Cooperation Pekarna Magdalenske mreže (Zavod za podporo civilnodružbenih iniciativ in multikulturno sodelovanje Pekarna Magdalenske mreže Maribor)
Source: Active Citizens Fund
For more information about the results of the Call and the Active Citizens Fund in Slovenia visit the dedicated website of the Active Citizens Fund.