Ljubljana, 27 July 2020 – Active Citizens Fund has announced that a total of EUR 1,469,431.15 under the Call for proposals for medium and large projects has been allocated to 21 projects (13 medium projects and 8 large projects), three of which have been included on the reserve list. In addition, four micro or rapid response projects have already been selected for support.
Call for proposals for medium and large projects
A total of 163 project applications from across the country were received under the Call for proposals for medium and large projects announced under the Active Citizens Fund, 69 of them were short-listed. Out of the 62 project applications submitted, 56 applications contributing to the below-mentioned programme outcomes were evaluated:
- programme outcome: Strengthened civil society watchdog and advocacy role (28 project applications, of which 9 for medium projects and 19 for large projects),
- programme outcome: Increased support for civic education and human rights (6 project applications, of which 3 for medium projects and 3 for large projects), and
- programme outcome: Vulnerable groups empowered (22 project applications, of which 9 for medium projects and 13 for large projects).
The selection committee recommended 18 project ideas for support, of which 11 were medium projects and 7 large projects. Three projects ideas (two medium projects and one large project) were included on the reserve list. The following project applications were granted support:
- 8 (+ 2 reserve) applications under programme outcome Strengthened civil society watchdog and advocacy role (4 medium projects and 4 large projects),
- 5 applications under programme outcome Increased support for civic education and human rights (3 medium projects and 2 large projects) and
- 4 (+ 1 reserve) applications under programme outcome Vulnerable groups empowered (3 for medium projects and 1 for large project).
The applicants that will receive support come from six different statistical regions (Goriška, Koroška, Obalno-kraška, Osrednjeslovenska, Podravska in Pomurska). The remaining EUR 60,568.85 will be reallocated to micro projects.
List of projects selected for support
Open call for proposals for micro or “rapid response” projects
The first micro projects to receive rapid response funding in the total amount of EUR 29,839.54 are as follows:
- Kampanja ozaveščanja o razmerah na Balkanski poti (Kulturno društvo Gmajna) / (Awareness raising campaign on Balkan Route conditions, Gmajna Cultural Association)
- Twitter brigade (Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja) / (Twitter brigades, Today is a New Day, Institute for Other Questions)
- Spregledani otroci (Društvo Vesele nogice) / (The overlooked children, Happy Feet Association)
- Samo JA pomeni JA (Društvo za nenasilno komunikacijo) / (Only YES means YES, Association for Nonviolent Communication)
- PROAZIL (Slovenska filantropija) / (PROAZIL, Slovene Philanthropy)
- Zakon o tujcih – nov poskus nižanja standardov varstva migrantov (Društvo za zagovorništvo ranljivih skupin – Delavska svetovalnica) /(Foreigners Act – new attempt to lower the standards of protection of migrants, Association for the Advocacy of Vulnerable Groups – Workers’ Counseling)
The remaining EUR 10,160.46 of the micro projects fund will increase by a further EUR 60,000.00 that will be reallocated. Before applying for funding, the applicants shall carefully read through the documents Call for proposals and Guidelines for applicantsFAQ (odgovore na pogosta vprašanja), view a video from a workshop (posnetek informativne delavnice) and go through workshop materials (gradivo z informativne delavnice), or watch a video.
Institutional Support
The Active Citizens Fund has announced a new call for proposals for institutional support projects in fall 2020. This call is addressing strategic development of NGOs. Organisations will be able to receive financial support for implementation of their strategic plans, while at the same time building capacity and developing even better programmes with the support of mentors.
More information about the Active Citizens Fund and calls for proposals is available on the programme’s website.