This report highlights Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway’s contributions to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe in 2019. During 2019, the main focus was on programme development and implementation, planning results, launching first calls and strengthening our partnerships. By doing so, the foundation for future success and long-term impact is set. 2019 was also marked by the 25 years since the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement entered into force.
As the first step in the preparation of programmes 116 stakeholder consultations were held across the beneficiary states. 95 concept notes were finalized, detailing the programmes and their context; which societal challenges we address, and the results we aim to achieve. Over 30 different events were organized. 96 funding opportunities were launched, bringing the total number of published calls since 2017 to 149.
Out of 80 programme agreements signed between donor and beneficiary states so far, 52 were signed in 2019. 8 countries, including Slovenia, had all programme agreements in place at the end of 2019.
Slovenia and the donor countries signed a Programme Agreement for the Programme Education – Enhancing Human Capital and for the Programme Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Additionally, the Active Citizens Fund operator CNVOS, in consortium with Institute PIP and DRPD Novo mesto, concluded a Programme Implementation Agreement with the Financial Mechanism Office.
More about EEA and Norway Gants in 2019 is available on website of the Status report 2019.