In the framework of the EEA Grants the Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) in Brussels selected the Active Citizens Fund Operator. In the period 2014–2021 the Active Citizens Fund will be operated by the Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS) together with Legal and Information Centre Maribor – Institute PIP and the Society for the Advancement of Voluntary Work Novo mesto (DRPD Novo mesto).
The selected Fund Operator and the FMO will now proceed with the programme development process, which will include consultations with the civil society and other relevant entities in Slovenia. This will result in the drafting of programme documents and the singing of the Programme Implementation Agreement.
The objective of the Civil Society Programme Area is: ‘Civil society and active citizenship strengthened and vulnerable groups empowered’. The Active Citizens Fund 2014–2021 in Slovenia shall seek to develop the long-term sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector, with the aim of strengthening its role in promoting democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights.
In Slovenia, the allocation to the Active Citizens Fund is 3 million EUR, out of which 2.6 million EUR will be allocated to projects.