Norway Grants and EEA Grants 2014–2021

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.


Priprava gravimetričnega dozirnika in ekstrudorja za reciklažo polimernih ohišij.

11 July 2024 – SRIP – Circular economy, which aims to sustainably increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the Slovenian economy in the transition into circular economy, has for the second consecutive year awarded prizes for the best ...

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Začetek nove učne poti do poplavnega gozda.

5 July 2024 – The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme is being implemented in the 2014-2021 programming period and represents an important step towards sustainable development and reducing the negative impacts of climate ...

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Človek opazuje skozi mikroskop.

27 June 2024 – The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Programme is being implemented in the 2014-2021 programming period and represents an important step towards sustainable development and reducing the negative impacts of climate ...

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Bilateral cooperation

One of the overall objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants is to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor states and the 15 beneficiary states.

Read more More about the programme

Electronic Monitoring System

The eMS is a monitoring system with a communication portal, used for submission, check and assessment of project applications, as well as management and administration of projects and programmes.

Interactive portal

Website providing information on EEA and Norway Grants implementation in the periods 2014-2021 and 2009-2014 in individual beneficiary state.

Complaint mechanism

Do you wish to submit a complaint about suspected non-compliance with the principles of good governance in relation to EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 implementation in Slovenia?

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