For the purpose of the Call for Proposals to co-finance projects under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 and the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 the Selection Committee meeting with a larger number of appointed members for Set B – EEA Financial Mechanism was held on 18 November 2014. The Selection Committee approved the list of priority projects area B.1 – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, area B.2 – Natural Heritage and area B.3 – Cultural Heritage.
For the purpose of the Call for Proposals to co-finance projects under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 and the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 the Selection Committee meeting with a larger number of appointed members for Set A – Norwegian Financial Mechanism was held on 1 December 2014. The Selection Committee approved the list of projects for sub-area A.1.1 – Reducing inequalities in health between user groups, A.1.2 – Prevention of life-style related diseases, and A.1.3 – Improved mental health services, as well as for area A.2 – Gender equality.
List of priority projects under the Call for Proposals to co-finance projects under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 and the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014 is available in Slovenian.