Project title:
Cooperation for the Health of Roma People
Project acronym:
Project Promoter:
People's University of Kočevje
Project Partners:
Partner 1: Development and Education Centre Novo Mesto
Partner 2: Municipality of Kočevje
Partner 3: Municipality of Novo mesto
Partner 4: Community Health Centre Kočevje
Partner 5: Community Health Centre Novo Mesto
Partner 6: Roma association Romano Veseli
Partner 7: Landsforeningen for Pårørende innen Psykisk Helse - Norwegian Association of Mental Health Family Carers
Project duration:
27.02.2015 - 30.04.2016
Total eligible costs of the project:
589,735.64 EUR
Project grant:
560,248.86 EUR
Programme Area:
Public health initiatives
General objective of the project:
Reduced inequalities between user groups
Project summary:
The project addresses long-standing unsolved challenges in the field of integration of the Roma population in the health care system. The project will contribute to reduction of inequalities between user groups by increasing awareness of the Roma about the importance of health, improving communication of public workers, inter-institutional cooperation and sustainable funding of Roma coordinator and mobile health services. 5 pilot training programmes will be developed and implemented for 590 participants. A plan for health care in the field will be designed and implemented. It will include at least 200 visits to a healthcare worker. The programmes will be designed for Roma communities, especially for women in SE Slovenia and experts who work with them.