Project title:

Fathers and Employers in Action

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

The Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies

Project Partners:

Partner 1: University of Ljubljana

Partner 2: The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia

Partner 3: Nicha d.o.o

Partner 4: Reform – resource centre for men

Project duration:

03.02.2015 - 31.08.2016

Total eligible costs of the project:

276,750.00 EUR

Project grant:

249,075.00 EUR

Programme Area:

Gender Equality, Promoting work-life balance

General objective of the project:

Awareness raised and research on gender issues promoted

Project summary:

In Slovenia, changes in the field of fatherhood are taking place at an individual level with increased inclusion of fathers in child care compared to previous generations, and at a systemic level with the introduction of paternity leave in 2003. Nevertheless, there is a lack of initiatives and changes on the organisational level. On the organisational level there is increased intensification and flexibilisation of work, which cause work – life conflicts. Research shows that men seek to change their traditional gender role by engaging in active fatherhood, but they are not supported by the employers. The project will focus on active fatherhood; work-life balance measures directly addressing men will be developed and tested. Target groups are: a) employers, b) fathers, and c) the media and the general public (awareness of the needs and benefits of facilitating work-life balance for men and proposals for concrete possibilities in practice). The project focuses on the problems of work life balance of (young) fathers in managerial positions and in precarious employment. Rich expertise will be provided by the Norwegian partner Reform, whose counselling and educational workshops for fathers and cooperation with public administration and policy makers will contribute to the project's completion. The partnership will focus on working with policy and decision makers in Slovenia and on good practices of work-life measures.

Project website in SloveneProject website in English