Project title:

Reconciliation of Professional and Family Life in Collective Agreements: Role of Social Partners in the Promotion of Gender Equality

Project acronym:


Project Promoter:

Institute for Labour Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana

Project Partners:

Partner 1: Fafo Institutt for arbeidslivs- og verfeldsforskning (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research), Oslo, Norveška (FAFO)

Partner 2: The Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia

Partner 3: Association of Employers of Slovenia

Project duration:

05.03.2015 - 30.04.2016

Total eligible costs of the project:

151,138.37 EUR

Project grant:

143,581.45 EUR

Programme Area:

Gender Equality, Promoting work-life balance

General objective of the project:

Awareness raised and research on gender issues promoted

Project summary:

Despite intense legal and political efforts to enforce gender equality, various forms of gender discrimination still persists. The project addresses the issue of how social partners can promote gender equality, especially by introducing this issue into collective agreements. Target groups are social partners, employers and workers, including working fathers, and the general public. The main objectives of the project are to enhance knowledge and raise awareness about the importance of work-life measures which support gender equality and enhance company performance, as well as to introduce new, innovative measures which address current challenges (active fatherhood, ageing of population, more women in leading positions etc.). The project will strengthen bilateral contacts between the Norwegian and the Slovenian social partners by promoting exchange of experiences and good practices as regards gender equality in collective negotiations. The educational module and workshops will be prepared as well as the model regulation of work-life measures which can be used by social partners in their future collective negotiations.

Project website in SloveneProject website in English