The launch of the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

The FMO announced the launch of the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. Recognising the strong link between social and economic equality and participation in the labour market, the Fund for Youth Employment specifically aims to support transnational projects that promote sustainable and quality youth employment.
The Fund has three principal support areas:
· innovation and exploration;
· transfer of know-how and good practice;
· analysis and research.
€60 million has been set aside for projects under this Fund. The amount of grant assistance applied for within a project may not be less than €1 million, favouring few and large projects.
Organisations from the 15 Beneficiary States of the EEA and Norway Grants, as well as Ireland, Spain and Italy, may apply for funding. Project consortia must consist of organisations from at least two countries, and the lead partner must be established in one of the Beneficiary States. The Fund’s focus on transnational cooperation reflects the view that unemployment among youth is a common European challenge and common European solutions should therefore be explored.
The target groups of the Fund are young people between 15 and 29, with a special focus on the 25-29 year olds. The long-term unemployed, the low-skilled, inactive women caring for children or incapacitated adults, ethnic minorities including Roma, asylum-seekers, people with mental health issues and the disabled are of particular interest to the Fund.
The deadline for the call for proposals for project applications is 1 August 2017.
More information about the call and application procedures can be found on the Fund’s webpage and with the fund operator via email or telephones +48 22 339 45 40, +39 05 22 501 157 or +35 92 491 75 18.